Meghan Heebner, Community Office Manager, F&M Trust
Beyond community banking, tell us what you are involved with in your community.
Meghan: • Teen Reach – Leadership Team and Lead Challenge Course Facilitator
• RFK – “Aunt” aka Volunteer Staff
• Franklin County Fair – Treasurer
• Chambersburg Rod & Gun Club – Secretary
• Exchange Club of Chambersburg – Treasurer
• Council for the Arts – Board Member
• Franklin County Women’s Conference – Board Member
I also participate in various events as a volunteer including:
• Walking in the local Relay for Life teams
• Serving dinner at Circles
• Volunteering in the food booth at the local Ox Roast
• Reading at the local libraries through Super Reader Programs
• Helping at the United Way’s ARC Carnival
• Giving away free Hot Chocolate during the Downtown Events
• You can also find me setting up, helping during the event, or tearing down after the Parade, Old Market Days, Crohns Awareness Walk, Missoula Theatre, Farm Show, Fire hall Bingos, IceFest, Fall Fun Farm Fest, Magic Show Fundraiser, the High School Football Tailgating, Arts in the Alley, and many more.
Can you share with us the reason you are so passionate about the organization(s) with which you are involved?
Meghan: If I could sum it up in one word it would be hope (defined: grounds for believing that something good may happen).
• Teen Reach is hope for a better future.
• RFK is hope for a child to feel loved.
• Fair is hope to understand the importance of agriculture.
• Rod & Gun Club is hope for gun safety and understanding.
• Exchange is hope to help prevent child abuse.
• Council is hope to keep the arts alive.
• Women’s Conference is the hope to uncover purpose.
What prompted you to be a #DifferenceMaker in your community?
Meghan: I’m passionate about community service for many reasons but as Gandhi quoted, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” So often, I find that it is easier to complain about why something should be different rather than doing something about it. I knew I didn’t want to be a complainer; I wanted to get out there and help make a difference.
This came from my parents, raising me to leave it better than you found it. Whether it was the microwave after your soup exploded or the picnic area where we just had lunch, we ensured we left it better. I want to ensure my community is better than I found it for the generations to come.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your involvement with your community?
Meghan: Seeing community members come together with one common purpose. Then working together to make sure that it happens no matter what. All with the spirit of giving back and not for personal gain.
You obviously have a strong desire to give back to your community, does your volunteer work ever mix with your professional life?
Meghan: All the time. After a day of helping to serve ox roast burgers at the St. Thomas Ox Roast, I’ll head to the office and connect with a new client that got their ox roast burger from me the day before. I live, work, volunteer and play in the same community, therefore I am bound to interact with my clients. The best part is when clients become more like family because we end up volunteering together.
You are obviously very busy, what is your favorite way to unwind at the end of the day?
Meghan: A hike or kayak trip with my supportive husband, Tucker, and my wonderful dog, Bossman.